the Torah
Numbers 5:15-18:9
Text retrieval without spaces: 3316 letters per line

[red] JESUS
[purple] The sin offering
Around these, there also appear many other related
skip codes concerning Christ by the "minimum skip
distance" to the whole Torah (5 Books of Moses) as

The "minimum skip" means as follows. For
instance, "Nisan 14", which is the date of Yeshua's
death, firstly appears in Numbers with the equidistance
of every 311 letters when checking the whole Torah. It
secondly appears in Deuteronomy with the equidistance of
every 401 letters, and thirdly in Leviticus every 581
letters. In this case, the equidistance of 311 letters is
the "minimum skip" for Nisan 14 (the old
expression is Abib 14).
All of these skip codes concentrate in 17 percent area of
the Torah as shown below. It is impossible to think that
this concentration happened by chance.

The following skip codes were NOT found anywhere in the
"Buddha Messiah""Mohammed Messiah""Jesus
the false Messiah"
The following words were NOT found in this
concentration area by the minimum skip.
"Buddha""Mohammed""false Messiah""not
the Messiah""not the truth"
These mean that Yeshua (Jesus) is the true Messiah.
JESUS in Isaiah 53
Isaiah 53:6-12
Text retrieval without spaces: 20 letters per line

[red] One rushing from above, JESUS is my powerful
name (shokake me'al YESHUA shmee ohz)
[purple] Messiah (Mashiach)
Refs: [shokake] Isaiah 33:4 (one pouncing), [me'al]
Genesis1:7, Isaiah 6:6
Around these, there also appear many other related
words concerning Christ by the "minimum skip
distance" to the whole Tanakh (all books of the
Hebrew Scriptures) as follows:

JESUS CHRIST in Psalm 22
Psalm 22:1-15
Text retrieval without spaces: 45 letters per line

[red] The Temporary Dweller is JESUS CHRIST (Ger
[purple] The ram of His cross (ail tzelahvo)
This skip "45" is the minimum skip distance
to the whole Tanakh. Psalm 22 is the most important
prophecy of the Messiah's Passion as well as Isaiah 53.
It is a pin-point overlap that the minimum skip appears
in that prophecy.
The skip "45" is equal to the gematria of
"Adam" in Hebrew. This shows that Jesus came as
the Second Adam. The First Adam brought sin and death,
while the Second Adam brought righteousness and eternal